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Unfortunately, these types of things have happened many times over and over in the world. It's very hard or next to impossible to see justice served where it needs to be, as much as we would like to see fairness and justice. Wars have been waged, usually excuses are made to wage a particular was . It is never about the good or benefit of the people or they wouldn't kill so many people leaving children orphaned, countries rendered to rubble, economies and livelyhoods destroyed. Who created the Taliban in the first place?
added by Anonymous 945 days ago 3    1

The US and it's allies be brought to justice for the atrocities committed in Afghanistan?

The recently held 31st special session of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva at which it said "many countries pointed out that those responsible for crimes against humanity in Afghanistan" and demanded that they be called to account. They stressed that the US and it's allies left no other legacy in Afghanistan but death of 241,000 people including 7792 children. Should Afghanistans expect justice from US and it's allies.

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