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Indeed it is very bad to ignore a person's love and care. We should appreciate such effort and in return do the same if not more than that. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Es de las peores cosas, ignorar a quien te ama, las personas que harían cualquier cosa por ti, aquellas que nunca te han hecho daño, lo único que hacen es amarte.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Estoy de acuerdo, las personas que nos aman se merecen un trato igual, un dar amor para recibir, ama a quien te ama.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Many women go through difficult situations in love affairs. They do all possible to.make thier husbands appreciate but most men are not appreciative. They instead beat, torture and at times cause lifelong injuries on the body and hearts of their wives.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 4    0

Never ignores a person who loves and cares about you.

Many people especially men tend to ignore their wives love and care. Some have gone ahead of beating them. That lady you treat like that has parents who can care about her but she decided to forego her parents love and cared about you. She gave up her life for you but you ignore her love and care. She cooks, wash, prepare your home, produce children for you and on top of that she endures your poverty but you end up ignoring all.which is very bad. So, never ignore her love and care she gives you.

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