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true always regrets comes after and this is life nothing can be changed. but all in all we have to first seek advice from our inner man/ soul before going on
added by Anonymous 949 days ago 1    0

As a saying, had I known comes at last

I remember one day someone told me to join Yem when it was at USD 1 and I didn't join because I didn't trust it but now am regretting because I joined when it's too late now it's at 9 USD if I joined it when it was at 1 USD I could be having many, had I known comes at last

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Der YEM wird zwangsläufig immer weiter steigen, dann wirst du froh sein bei 9 USD schon gekauft zu haben. Ich glaube auf jeden Fall daran und Du solltest es auch tun.
added by Anonymous 895 days ago 0    0