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There is nothing you do with out risk so people who don't want to fail today that he fail yesterday will not successful

added by Anonymous 953 days ago 0    0

Today investing in digital currency is a risk but that is where luck is. Tomorrow it won't be arisk because every one will need them but there will be fewer chances of changing people's financial status .
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 0    0

If you fear you can't take risk. And if you don't take risk you can't invest. And if you don't invest then you will live in poverty. So always take risk.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 1    0

I agree, because in most cases where you can try to look for a greener paste you have to risky but if you put fear before in everything nothing you will achieve.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 0    0

The major cause of poverty in this world is fear because some people fear to invest in crypto currencies that there are many risks but if you fear to do something you will be poor so fear nothing.
added by 1001124285 955 days ago 1    0

The major cause of poverty in this world is fear

The major cause of poverty in this world is fear because some people fear to invest in crypto currencies that there are many risks but if you fear to do something you will be poor so fear nothing. Don't fear to invest in digital currencies.

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It's lack of ambitions for riches and unwillingness to learn financial education but not necessarily fear because fear is caused by ignorance and ignorance eliminated by learning skills and knowledge that can be utilised to accumulate riches.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 0    0

Estaría de acuerdo con el comentario si las personas tuvieran el dinero y les diera miedo invertir, pero en muchos casos no se tiene el dinero.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 0    0

No estoy de acuerdo, muchas personas no tenemos las mejores oportunidades, aunque luchemos y luchemos, más en un país como Colombia.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 0    0