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Risks are every where so if you fear to risk then you become a looser. The more you take risks you gain experience and finally you know what it takes to perfectly do some thing
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 3    0

La vida tiene que ver con el riesgo, el riesgo es el precio que pagas por las oportunidades, si pierdes debes volver a intentarlo, no darte por vencido.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Como dice el dicho, sin miedo al éxito, el que no arriesga no gana, y el que no gana, no disfruta, así que, arriesgate.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

It's true in life if you fear to take risks nothing you will achieve, but if you agree to risk one day one time you will shoot you goals.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Life is all about risk, risk is the price you pay for

Life is all about risk, risk is the price you pay for opportunities if you lose will be wise if you win You will be happy, everything is a risk don't fail to take a risk because one day you will get some money because you took a risk and win.

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It's about managing risks because there's risk in everything we do but it doesn't make sense to just take risks on what you don't know but it's better to manage those risks with information seeking on what you want to do.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 1    0