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Al decir que hay 80 vacantes de embajadores de Estados Unidos, se evidencia la perdida de poder que ha tenido alrededor del mundo
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 1    0

Estados Unidos ya no es la superpotencia de otros años, poco a poco va perdiendo poder e influencias en el mundo.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 1    0

Does US appeared to be facing a real crisis in confidence about it's role in the world .

The old friendship between Britain and it's former colony has suffered a setback in recent weeks in the wake of NATO's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan with president Biden's administration moving forward with the exit despite pleas by allies including Britain to delay the pullout.

President Biden's failure to appoint an ambassador to Britain over seven months into his term is a sign that his administration doesn't really care about Britain and the rest of the world with an estimated number of over 80 vacant ambassadorships. Does this a sign of crisis in confidence about US role in the world.

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