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Es correcto para no tener un archivos basura aunque en mi opinion seria mejor hacerse a un equipo de primera mano
added by Anonymous 921 days ago 0    0

The security and protection of our information, private or public, is fundamental. The protection is of the user although the portals have been in charge of that function The security and protection of our information, private or public, is fundamental. The protection is of the user although the portals have been in charge of that function.
added by 1001214128 948 days ago 0    0

Todo dispositivo electrónico que se vaya a vender, debe ser formateado antes, es muy peligroso entregarlo sin formatear, ya que, pueden acceder a tu información.
added by 1001224616 960 days ago 1    0

Si ya que nuestra privacidad es muy importante, por ende es de mucha importancia reiniciar el celular antes de vender a otro usuario
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 2    0

true but its up to you the buyer to reset that device to avoid data threats and also claim ownership. if you don't do it you are doomed
added by Anonymous 961 days ago 2    0

Does Internet connected devices reset before being resold to secondly users?

It seems our privacy and security is threatened when using second hand Internet connected devices because most of them are not reset to delete data of the first user to factory standards before being resold.

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Most secondly Internet connected devices are not reset to factory settings which exposes the privacy and security of the first user and their data can easily be used in hacking activities.
added by Anonymous 959 days ago 1    0