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Of s truth comedy is the only thing that relief people with hearts diseases once they watch comedy they will forget about their problems
added by 1001277811 115 days ago 1    0

La risa es el mejor remedio del alma, pienso que la comedia ayuda a las personas cardiacas a mejorar el estado de animo y su salud.
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 3    0

As the Chinese proverb goes, "a man without a smiling face must not open a shop", comedy is really the best way to contral heart attack because it's characterised by
happyness and enjoyment among others
added by 1001175178 958 days ago 3    0

Comedy is a relief to people with heart disease

Really, in life people with heart disease can be relieved by comedy coz they even say that smiling face never fades.That is the reason why I recommend comedy as an essential factor to people of that challenge

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Prevention is better than cure, instead of recommending comedy for those suffering from heart disease, why don't we search for ways of elimination what causes heart disease to people because comedy is not a medicine for heart disease but it's simply a hobby which is not for most people.
added by Anonymous 958 days ago 2    0