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Scientists have recently discovered a hidden world underneath Antarctica. A world that’s teeming with life. There’s a hidden world under Antarctica Image source
added by Anonymous 448 days ago 0    0

small thing like a watch works automatically,can we just say it's due to its accuracy? In the same case there is a cause why man looks the way he is and does things the way he do
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 0    0

Thres something hidden in the word but we need to be vigilant and keen enoghto to descover the hidden minerals to change our lives.
added by Anonymous 1161 days ago 0    0

There's something hidden in the World because I see that many things are existing in every aspect without knowing
added by 1001108090 1303 days ago 0    0

Science is a religion on it's own. It is almost impossible to believe in science and pursue any other type of spirituality. But yes, there are many hidden things in this dimension.
added by Anonymous 1308 days ago 0    0

There is something Hidden in this world

Scientists believe that anything which exist must have external force which has made it possible,but again they contradict on the same thing about the existence of God.If a small thing like a watch works automatically,can we just say it's due to its accuracy? In the same case there is a cause why man looks the way he is and does things the way he do

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