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Trust is the only lasting solution to build relationships in a situation whereby husband and wife could not trust each other their marriage will crash easily
added by 1001277811 119 days ago 1    0

Relationship is built on understanding each other with trust and once trust is lost , it's very hard to win it back. Thus those in relationships should be trustful to each other.
added by Anonymous 1020 days ago 2    0

Trust is powerful because trust is amongst the pillars of forming a good relationship so if there won't trust there is no true love,there won't be respect and also it is like a foundation of any marriage because to split this relationship requires just a doubt on the relationship and the marriage is no trust is powerful.
added by Anonymous 1043 days ago 4    1

To Every Wife and Husband out there...TRUST IS POWERFUL!

The wife of Jonah at hearing that will feel like breaking his head.
*"Swallowed by fish, really?*
*Are you talking to a baby?*
*What an insult, lying to me as if I don't have any brains? Which fish,* *mackerel or tilapia"?*
*Even if Jonah reported the issue to a pastor, the pastor will call him aside and say brother Jonah, why not pray against lying spirits.*
*Neighbors will shout "ahh madam, you don't understand, the fish is another woman".*
*But between you and I,*
*Jonah was telling the truth*

*To Every Wife and Husband out there...TRUST IS POWERFUL!*
*It is a necessary tool for sustaining all relationships.*

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