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Yes Vegetables are essential to our human health. Vegetables are a perfect complement: Plants are low in fat and high in protein, which makes them an ideal addition.
Plants are rich in nutrients: Nutrient-rich vegetables contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and anticancer compounds. Importance of vegetables in a diet: Eating vegetables to lose weight cannot be ignored either. They are low in calories, contain vitamins and minerals, and fill you with fibre and water. Mental health benefits: Eating vegetables can improve your mental health and even make you happier. Vegetable intake is associated with greater happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction. Vegetables can also help keep the brain in shape for longer. Increasing vegetable intake reduces cognitive decline. Variety of vegetables throughout the year: Vegetables are a delight of nature and are easy find and prepare.
added by Anonymous 766 days ago 0    0

Tenemos que ser personas saludables, llevar una dieta balanceada y rica en verduras, ademas asi contribuimos al cuidado de los animales pues estos no serian sacrificados para el consumo humano
added by Anonymous 955 days ago 1    0

For a healthy life, it is obvious that we have to say "yes" to vegetables. Nonetheless, we need to take a close look at the vegetables we eat. Many farmers today use pesticides or chemicals to grow their vegetables. It can have an adverse effect on our health. So we need organic vegetables to stay healthy. By using integrated farms, we can easily produce these organic foods. Chicken droppings, for example, can be used as fertilizer to grow vegetables.
added by Anonymous 965 days ago 1    0

yes especially organic vegetables are the best in boosting the immunity of the body hence resisting most of the diseases.
added by Anonymous 968 days ago 1    0

Yes to vegetables for healthy living since they create a strong body immunity.yes also to fruits and use of less junk foods for maintaining a good health .also without forgetting yes to drinking water and body exercises for healthy living
added by Anonymous 1037 days ago 3    0

For a healthy living, say 'Yes' to vegetables.

For a healthy living say yes to intake of different vegetables.

Say yes to honey instead of sugar.

Say yes to two glasses of water before having breakfast in the morning.

Say yes to warm water instead of hot water. That is bath warm water instead of hot water.

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