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Yes bottled water is indeed harmful to our health. The process of its production is not safe. Just look at Dioxin Production: Direct exposure to the sun. Such heating releases a toxin called Dioxin which when consumed can accelerate breast cancer.
Biphenyl A generation. This is an oestrogen-mimicking chemical that can lead to a lot of health problems like diabetes, obesity, fertility problems, behavioural problems and early puberty in girls. It's better not to store and drink water from a plastic bottle. Impact Immune system: Our immune system is immensely affected when we drink water in plastic bottles. The chemicals from plastic bottles are ingested and tend to disturb our body's immune system.
Liver Cancer and Reduced Sperm Count: Because of the presence of a chemical called phthalates in plastic, drinking water from plastic bottles can also lead to liver cancer and a reduction in sperm count. All in all boiled water that is well and carefully kept is the best for drinking.
added by Anonymous 767 days ago 0    0

Health people have healthy mind infact taking much water contribute much on you body healthy. take enough water for your help to avoid too much sickness of the body.
added by Anonymous 888 days ago 0    0

For a healthy living avoid intake of water in plastic bottles...

For a healthy living, avoid intake of too much water in plastic bottles that were stored in a fridge.

Avoid sugar, cancer cells feed on sugar which promotes their growth.

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