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It seems it helped them so much in their free time, because they had to keep their brain working. Those day relaxation was covering the bigger part of their time.
added by Anonymous 1104 days ago 2    0

A brief history of table game to these who like them. PART 1

Why bother with the history of table games? Because the story of our amusements mirrors the story of civilization. In the sharing of games, we can see the spread of cultures and kingdoms over the 6,000 years of recorded human history. We can trace the birth of table games to the first cities, in the river valleys of the Nile (modern-day Egypt) and the Tigris and Euphrates (lraq). As humans moved through the Middle East, they brought their games with them. These games ended in Persia, India, China, Kotra, and Japan to the east, Greece and North Africa to the west.

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