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The moment you give someone more than two chances bur with out a positive out come you're really wasting your time.
added by 1001108090 1301 days ago 0    0

I am no longer in the business of giving people chance after chance after chance

I am no longer in the business of giving people chance after chance after chance we are both adults, and we both know the difference between right and wrong at this point.
Mistakes happen of course, but when those mistakes become repetitive, you can not call them mistakes anymore now they are choices. Your choices. So no, I am no longer in the business of giving people chances after chance after chance.

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I will give people chance after chance, coz the Bible says "You are your brothrrs' keeper" Again, it says, "Forgive your brother 70 times 7" It further said "If you are slapped on one cheek, you should turn the other".
added by 1000114031 1301 days ago 0    0