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queries then there are high chances that customers will go elsewhere and this will directly harm your business reputation in the market
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

Slow internet is better than not having at all because with the Slow internet you can get what you need but in a way which is slow but with not at all its really dangerous
added by 1001111125 1306 days ago 3    0

However much slow internet is challenging and disturbing, one with it is better than one without it. It's like saying that you better have zero instead of having only one!, which is absolutely wrong according to my way of thinking
added by 1000986062 1314 days ago 2    0

It's better slow than not at all. Better late than never.
With small internet, you can access whatever you want, thou not at the speed you need.
While without internet, there is nothing you can access, however much you need whatever you want.
added by 1000894481 1314 days ago 2    0

Slow internet can irritate you , so it's better not to have than having something which can't help you.
Just like having dangerous mechanical car at home it will yield no reason of having it.
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 2    0

The truth is i rather be with the slow one than having nothing but i did not say that slow is good good but its better than nothing in hand so my point i hope its clear to all
added by 1000982144 1314 days ago 3    0

Slow internet is more worsen than no internet because it causes headache so I better live without internet than living with slow internet
added by 1001049122 1314 days ago 3    0

Slow internet is the worst.
It gives false hopes and consumes alot of time ,so its better to be with no internet than the slow one
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 4    0

Yes our area which you live in there is no internet because the wires which where used to connect internet is not far and without internet you cannot participate in digital currency and Rain bow currency, safe zone activities like twinl estate, solario etc
added by 1000910135 1314 days ago 4    0

What's worse, slow internet or no internet

Slow internet is worse compared to no internet. Due to slow internet, your activity, especially online transactions, sometimes has to be performed again and again due to the automatic session expiry after some time which is very annoying because require to fill all information again.

For an online business, a slow internet connection is like losing business because if you take so long to give a reply to customer’s queries then there are high chances that customers will go elsewhere and this will directly harm your business reputation in the market.

That’s why a slow internet connection is worse than no internet connection.

How do you vote?

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Slow internet is indeed frustrating, however not having any internet at all is horrible in this day and age.
added by 1000002363 1314 days ago 2    0

No, One is better than zero and better be late than never.
You can't compare something with nothing at all
added by 1001111804 1314 days ago 4    0

It's No because slow internet is better than no internet because if right now if I had no internet how would I do my online business
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 4    0

No please l dont believe with you reason being, now if at all there is no internet completely and you need to operate onlone services how will you do it, better its there but slow however much its annoying there are some ossues you can handle on a slow internet than missing everything. Now people without internet how will they access the opportunity of knowing yem?? I magine that
added by 1000965722 1314 days ago 4    0