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Temptation onto the Devil while many of our failings & mistakes just comes down to personal sin with imperfection so is there really Devil out there?
added by Anonymous 668 days ago 0    0

According to the Bible, the devil really exists and is among us roaming up and down. Even when we observe things of the world, it really testifies that there is a supernatural power behind all I'll happening on earth but the good news is, Christ our Saviour won Him and He is on our side
added by 1001099711 1312 days ago 0    0

Making wickedness and all unspiritual ways makes everything evil.It creates temptation that drags us far away
Yes i believe there's evil
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

Yes the devil exists! He is called the devil because he's rebellious to God, evil, wicked, never repentant, destined for hell forever and ever! That is why he is also satan!
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince the world that he did not exist. Be careful.
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

The Bible tells us that there is a devil on earth. God sent him out of heaven to rule over the earth and he does. We just have to see him and hear him. He is constantly trying to win us over to his side but we don't have to be controlled by him.
added by Linda Elaine Bullin 1313 days ago 0    0

Devil is real and is there. God's books say that devil was sent from heaven to the earth to steal, kill and destroy human lives
added by 1001049122 1313 days ago 0    0

Yes I do believe ...most of the wars we hear in the world are influenced by devilish act , talk of terrorism in the world where somebody puts on bomb and go and kill in the promise of going to heaven all that shows the existence of devil.
added by Anonymous 1313 days ago 0    0

Do you believe the existence of the Devil?

The Christadelphians do not believe in the Devil while I remember my Scripture teacher saying that we cannot blame all Temptation onto the Devil while many of our failings & mistakes just comes down to personal sin with imperfection so is there really Devil out there?

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I've always assumed the devil is just a myth, but I'm open to changing my mind. Yes, the devil certainly does exist; he isn’t just an idea people dreamed up to explain the existence of evil.
added by Anonymous 448 days ago 0    0