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The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water, the more you hold it, the more badly it will affect you!"
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 0    0

surely worrying about food, buying land, growing old, unable to take children to school. its so embracing.
for sure people we need to fight this poverty seriously
added by Anonymous 1125 days ago 0    0

Its true, the same relies to the stresses and worries, the more hou hold it into your hearts and minds, the more complications you have and body weaknesses so better to share aproblem once it comes because they say aproblem shared is half solved
added by Anonymous 1314 days ago 1    0

It's very true because a person who is worried or stressed can easily be identified.
Just like water in the glass can easily be identified.
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 1    0

Yes because if a person is stressed or worried it's easy to tell just like water in the glass easily identified
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 0    0

Vérité absolue si vous avez des soucis plus vous pensez trop plus sa affecte plus. Durant un long temps celà pour déclancher des maladies . voilà pourquoi il est bien de chercher une personne de confiant vous confié et vous décharger.
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 1    0

Its true, the same relies to the stresses and worries, the more hou hold it into your hearts and minds, the more complications you have and body weaknesses so better to share aproblem once it comes because they say aproblem shared is half solved
added by 1000965722 1315 days ago 0    0

Yeah that's fine because of the yem Uganda



My brother is coming to get
added by 1001043395 1315 days ago 1    0

The stresses and worries in life are like a glass of water

Imagine you have holding a glass of water. If you hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If you hold it for an hour, you will have an ache in your arm.
If you hold it for a day, your arm Will feel numb and paralyzed.
The weight of glass doesn't change, but the longer you hold it, the heavier it becomes. "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water, the more you hold it, the more badly it will affect you!"

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