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What went wrong do you think one day WAZZUB Will be well known by all people in the universe . Come on guys let us give our opinion on WAZZUB...
added by Anonymous 669 days ago 1    0

Yah wazzub is more older than WhatsApp but as i told you at first some people prefer the new origin of something
added by 1001111125 1306 days ago 2    0

Its true wazzup is older than whats app but l dont think it will be recognised more than it is now because its time is up and whats app has taken over thats agone case but now wait and watch, pernum is dominating them all bravol the yem foundation.
added by 1000965722 1314 days ago 1    0

Yes according to history of YEM how and when it begun , it's for some time back not like whatsapp which came in just of recent though it is very popular.
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 1    0

True wazzub is older than watsap because for me I was extravagant un knowingly but I have discovered that being on wazzub I get rewarded so there's no way I get out of wazzub.
added by 1001031254 1315 days ago 1    0

Good Morning Friends
Wazzub is Old and Bigger Platform than WhatsApp
Wazzub has many features for all family members to discuss their problems.
Wazzub teams are Great
Thanks to Wazzub Family
Best of luck to all
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 3    0

Yes wuzzub is older than what's app but it give the chance to others including what's app to lead the market of mobile friendly apps of chatting and sending and recieving photos and videos.
added by 1000126382 1315 days ago 3    0

Yes 100% true wazzub soon will be and will take over the whatsapp social media with a pregnant points that ,
On the wazzub platforms am able to earn some yem though small but with big value tomorrow.
2: Wazzub has got tight regulations and security of my and individual accounts.
3: Wazzub has value for users because each person that is active on the platforms is rewarded by surprise or physical yem and this will definitely take over take and over throw the other platforms that has no value for the giant and billions of users.
added by 1001038554 1315 days ago 4    0

There is no doubt Wazzub will prevail over WhatsApp. The former being part of safe zone gives it an edge over the latter. The benefits Wazzub members get will definitely attract people who is eventually migrate from other social media platforms to Wazzub
added by 1000017881 1315 days ago 5    0

Wazzub is older than WhatsApp. I guess it right or wrong.

In my opinion, wazzub is more older than WhatsApp. But WhatsApp is more popular than wazzub. What went wrong do you think one day WAZZUB Will be well known by all people in the universe . Come on guys let us give our opinion on WAZZUB...

How do you vote?

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According to WHOIS info, whatapp was registered in 2008 and wazzub was registered in 2011 ... so yes whatsapp is older than wazzub.

And really they are 2 completely different platforms, yes they both provide methods for people to communicate but they work in different ways. Whatsapp is owned by Facebook and WazzUb is owned by Unicorn Network.

Personally I love WazzUb more than Whatsapp, no matter the differences, my info is not collected in the same way as it is in Whatsapp, so I will use WazzUb and Whatsapp can fade into oblivion for all I care.
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 6    0

Basing on the reviews of watsapp, it really indicates that whatsapp is older than Wazzapp. Secondly it's popular, it has quick access compared to Wazzapp.But Wazzapp is more educative and its more of being the best considering it's purpose
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 4    0

No, WhatsApp has been in existence for a quite long time than this wazzub which was just introduced. And even compared to the number of subscribers on WhatsApp it shows that WhatsApp is more old than wazzub
added by Anonymous 1315 days ago 4    0