How can an organization promoting Yem would closedown without explanation apart from that of a personal reasons from the admin. I think there is something suspicious and fishy that is going on.
How do you vote?
SafeZone Vision as I understand it is an independently operated site, not part of Unicorn Network so no explanation on why closing is required but low traffic and high operating costs along with loss of interest are probably good reasons. I always go to SafeZone.Tips when surfing the Unicorn Network, its so easy to find what you are looking for in the blog or Unicorn Network site directory.
added by Anonymous 70 days ago
There is no need for explanations sometimes hard decisions have to be made for the betterment of though very few can see it that
added by Anonymous 90 days ago
Such an assumption can only arise on the basis of distorted perception.
1. SV is not an organization or a company.
2. SV was a voluntary project by a single SZ member with the aim of providing members with tools for inviting.
3. This action was hardly appreciated.
4. These efforts cost money every day, which was financed from private pockets.
5. Such a website must be constantly technically maintained and its content kept up to date. To be able to do this on a part-time basis requires great idealism, which has received relatively little recognition and appreciation from the YEM owners and the Safezone members.
6. The Safezone itself has been stagnating for years and hardly provides any updates or worthwhile projects.
Hopefully this helps a little to understand things.
added by Dirk Herfurth 122 days ago
The same applies to the SHOPPING COMPASS, which we will also close soon if its use continues to be actively avoided. Despite the death of the old owner, we have found a solution to continue operating the site legally and have even expanded it. We pay a lot of money every month for the maintenance and operation of this non-profit project in the service of the YEM economy. The only motivation is that it is used by the relevant target group (all YM owners worldwide), which is zero. Why should we go to all this trouble? We have tried our best to provide you with the best tools and even reward you generously. Now we accept that you don't want to use them and that's OK.
The Safezone Expert and Safezone Lifestyle homepages will also cease operations next year unless there are significant changes in the management of Safezone. 13 years of loyalty is enough.
added by Dirk Herfurth 122 days ago
You wait definitely reason must be there whatever you will depend on your perception.
added by Anonymous 130 days ago
Fudge Tudeh prof HDN thrush and I am so proud of trzrz The only way
added by Anonymous 105 days ago 0 0
How can an organization promoting Yem would closedown without explanation apart from that
added by Anonymous 105 days ago 0 1
The first thing you need is a good quality product and you can use it
added by Anonymous 105 days ago 0 0
Ant it's an organization which has the organizers, so you better wait for them to organize for you which is better, because you don't know which path to go.
added by Anonymous 114 days ago 1 1
Closing of companies or businesses nowdays is not much news. The financial setbacks going on in different companies is appealing. This is brought by the globle financial reset which is going on. Lets pray hard that we remain strong to our vision in YEM. We should pray always to God to assist YEM Foundation to have something to do to make its promises come true especially the Buy Back program.
added by 1001201751 130 days ago 1 0