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The currency is for the USA why does it appear in another country"s currency, I think that was a try that in anyway if they fail they can change.
added by Anonymous 1 days ago
You don't need to do anything to reflect on CHF the system will automatically stich you just bar it in maid that we're no longer at dollar in America.
added by Anonymous 155 days ago
I hope a great future for our companies 313313313314314313313313313313313313
added by 1000000898 156 days ago
Yah, you are right! When such a change on our pernums is made permanent, that means the meet is in between our upper and lower jaws. The economic crisis on our side as Yem holders will be something to dream about. We pray that those at the forefront to make this happen be fueled by the grace of the almighty God so as to complete this ASAP!
added by 1000945878 156 days ago
It's a good idea however whatever it looks like it's an achievement but must not remain on this at all time.
added by Anonymous 159 days ago
Upgrade to get more interests in the YEM system
added by Anonymous 159 days ago
i like this i wish you would keep bringing up the same staff to our people they gonna learn much more and acquire knowledge about various several things that gonna help them out with their lives Thank you.
added by 1001030149 160 days ago
If you don't struggle to go higher nobody will help you.
added by Anonymous 162 days ago
Everybody need to go higher and higher in order to improve his life.
added by Anonymous 162 days ago
All members are eagerly waiting to see the change for sure and let us have hope for the new changes. We shall be all happy for sure.
added by 1001098163 162 days ago
This was really a good advancement and we had surely thought of the system complete. I hope all the glitches can be overcome and we move forward to the next step.
added by Anonymous 163 days ago