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Un langage dit :la santé avant tout ! C' est vrai , si la santé d'un homme est menacée ,il peut tout vendre : maisons, voitures, tout ce qu'il possède comme bien matériels pour sauver sa vie.La sainte bible le confirme dans le livre de Job chapitre 2 verset 4
added by Anonymous 28 days ago 0    0

It's true because being in good health means that you can do everything like coming and going, working etc.... but if you lack health, even if you have the will to do anything you won't be able to because you have no strength. For this, health is the first wealth.
added by 1000001424 61 days ago 0    0

Le travail et le travail d'abord, c'est vrai.C'est le travail qui nourrit son homme, je suis d'accord mais le corps aussi a besoin de repos surtout quand il s'agit des travaux stressants. L'homme doit avoir un calendrier qui lui permette de souffler par moments le temps de redonner une vigueur à son organisme et reprendre le travail en toute quiétude.Ce serait une erreur d'investir tout son gain dans la maladie. Soyons intelligent et prenons soin de notre corps.
added by 1001280163 88 days ago 0    0

A dead person can not make any coin money is made when you have good health
added by Anonymous 122 days ago 1    0

Yes wealth begins with good life or healthy, even if you have money when you're life is not well you will spend them carrying for life, but if you're healthy you can ran to keep that money.
added by Anonymous 123 days ago 1    0

Absolutely no doubt, whenever there is life there is wealth because it is life that enjoys wealth.
added by 1001241034 124 days ago 1    0

health is wealth, the saying goes. so, let us endeavor to be healthy so we can always realize the value of our investment which is wealth inh the long run!
added by Anonymous 124 days ago 1    0

Health is wealth as people do say we have to manage the money we have gathered all these while and consider our health first before anything else.
added by 1001277811 124 days ago 2    0

Me now the money I collected am spending it on buying medicine because am sick but I have hope will be fine.
added by AHIMBISIBWE EMMANUEL 124 days ago 3    0

I remember those days when we were in primary school, we could hold debates like" Wealth is Better than Health. But now I disagree.
added by AHIMBISIBWE EMMANUEL 124 days ago 3    0


Forsure life is expensive compared to millions of dollars.
The reason to why I say saw is that we have always taken long hours, overtime workings and stressful works which disturbs our health. Let's take care of ourselves not to spend the money we made on treatments. Stay blessed dear unicorns

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