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It depends on someone's status because everyone sees the sun from different corner of the earth.but if its for the sake of those struggling to better their lives in the global and digital world as we the yem holders then i see it being valid for the financial value implications on individual yem holders
added by Anonymous 127 days ago 2    0

probably. i imagine it will depend on individuals bcoz we are in different statuses as the year begins. this key and this will communicate alot to an individual or a given society.
added by DEOGRATIAS NSENGIYUMVA 127 days ago 2    0

it should be named breakthrough week because it will be an engine of vey many Yem holders.
added by 1001241034 130 days ago 3    0

Ofcaurse it deserves a special name because its will be historical ever and remembered in the books with in the whole world.blessed are those who got a chance to share on the global bread for sure they will also be remembered for the rest of their lives kabisa

added by 1001098163 131 days ago 3    0

And it's it's real name new beginning of year is a beginning of every thing but for the unicorn network it will be time for setting new legal requirements for new currency not start using it.
added by Anonymous 132 days ago 2    0

Of a truth the first week of the new year 2024 indeed desreves a new name it supposed to be called a new beginning.
added by 1001277811 133 days ago 5    0

True ! It will surely be a new beginning because that is when the stella chain will be made of use.
added by Anonymous 134 days ago 5    0

The first week of the new year 2024 deserves special name "A new beginning"

If we are to go by what was mentioned in the last webinar, the first week of the new year 2024 deserves to be given a special name like "A new beginning" because that is a starting point of the long awaited transition.

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