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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 41 days ago 0    0

Unfortunately I'm not a fun of watching movies and i have never bothered to watch any
added by 1001241034 123 days ago 0    0

The most scaring movie I have watched is Anaconda. I felt my heart pumping out of me. I can't watch it again.
added by Anonymous 137 days ago 1    0

As one I don't entertain horror movies because by watching movies I mean to enjoy and refresh my mind, but watching horror you dabble the burden.
added by Anonymous 138 days ago 1    0

As for me some of the horormatic films I have watched which I didn't like is some of these war films.
added by 1001277811 139 days ago 2    0

What is the best horormatic movie you've ever watched?

As a horormatic movie fan, I've watched tons of horormatic movies to the extent that they can't scare me anymore. Since childhood I've been a fan.
How about you guys, what is best horror movie you've ever watched? Feel free to share your experience

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