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is the perfect place to make a statement and crowdsource both sides at the same time to make up your own mind. From sports, to politics, religion, science, family, technology
added by Anonymous 43 days ago 0    0

Ended it is a great idea, and if we have not yet announced yem yet why is it necessary to re-varifly our pernum and yet we are using money?
added by Anonymous 191 days ago 4    0

As for me I don't support the idea of yearly verification of pernum account. I suggested that verification of pernum account should be done once at a time interval.
added by 1001277811 192 days ago 6    0


If YEM stands for " Your Everyday Money " then for just my opinion purposes, YES stands for " Your Everyday Opinions" !
I understand every PerNum account will be re-verified every new year, this implies that every 365/6 days, we will have to meet the very complicated verification process once again.
Remember that, so many people with PerNum accounts are not able to afford even $10.00 just cz of the poverty levels especially in Africa, this case Uganda.
I really appreciate Safe Zone and whatever else you are planning, but in ma opinion, i think this is not quite an interesting experience to re-verify each and every new year. I imagined that since PerNum is a serious paradigm shift in the future, we should have a One - Time - Verification process and not be put on tenterhooks wondering whether we will pass the next RE-VERIFICATION ! This drains the little money out of people and leaves us in anxiety wondering what will happen after a year when i have to re-verify.

How do you vote?

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Hey, you definitely got it wrong. Re-verification is for your own good. Even the money you're worried about is always given back to you as yem.
added by Anonymous 147 days ago 0    0

Continuous verification only enhances your security of your pernum and the attached assets therein. Checks and balances are good for this project. Its for your good to have clean members registered on the system.
added by Anonymous 191 days ago 4    1