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Radio is 100% better for television it is easily portable and at the same time it is stress free when comparing it to television
added by 1001277811 206 days ago 2    0

A radio is cheap to buy,easy to use especially where there is no electricity
No need to pay for monthly subscription as well like it's done with television
added by Anonymous 244 days ago 2    0

I kinda agree with you coz it's reliable at anytime and it's more effecience
added by Anonymous 334 days ago 3    0

Due to the fact that a radio can be easily transferred, it is more important than a television
added by Anonymous 350 days ago 3    0

Radio doesn't need to pay subscription fee as tv needs
And you can listen to radio while driving but you can't watch tv while driving
added by Anonymous 377 days ago 6    0

A Radio is more important in a home than a Television.

Many people think that a Television is more important than a radio in a home but a radio has alot of advantages than a Television. With a radio, you listen to different programs which a educative in nature unlike Televisions which are always play music and Gospel every time from morning to evening. With the radio, its can easily be transfered from one place to another especially it can be moved in and out of the house unlike the television which is fixed in one place inside the house. With the radio, you dont need to oay for monthly subscriptions as it is withe Television which needs payments every month faluire to pay, no watch. Another thing is that radios do not affect peoples eyes unlike Tvs which causes eye diseases like short sitedness or long sitedness.

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Cause I don't want to hear only voices but I have to also see pictures
added by Anonymous 357 days ago 3    0

Como Locutor me inclino por la Radio, pero debemos recordar que la Programación Neuro-Linguística nos clasifica en: Auditivos, Visuales y Kinestésicos. Los dos últimos corresponden al 75% de los seres humanos. En consecuencia somos más visuales que auditivos.
La televisión es insustituible en cualquier hogar
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 376 days ago 4    0