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The society is becoming more corrupt on daily basis as a lot of young girls goes into arbotion thereby terminating the life of unborn children who supposed to be the hope of our future generation.
added by 1001277811 207 days ago 1    0

It seems to be the plan for these whites is being fulfilled because they don't want Africans to multiply that's why they try their best to make fun for the youth yet it's deadly.
added by Anonymous 317 days ago 2    0

Abortion is unGodly it should be stopped because those who do it will be punished accordingly.
added by Anonymous 384 days ago 3    0

The practice of arbotion must stop for a better society in a near future. r

Nowdays, the vice of arbotion has increased terribly. Many young girls nolonger want to produce children. Whenever they get pregnant, they just arbort. This practice is going to affect very many societies in the near future as they will be lucking young people as old ones now will be very old. You know the society that lucks young ones is useless as it lucks the productive age who are the youths. This can cause the labour mobility inefficiency and hence low production output that means low revenue hence low GDP.

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