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Once someone make mistake he or she will be able to correct his or her mistake and take necessary actions that might followed suit.
added by 1001277811 208 days ago 2    0

very many people don't learn until they get a lesson through challenges and people around
added by Anonymous 380 days ago 3    0

Experience is agood teacher if you pass through a tough situation it teaches you how to be behave.
added by Anonymous 386 days ago 4    1

Not only a lesson for a better version of you or to learn how to treat different people accordingly but gets you a resilience to win all kinds of future moments in your life.
added by 1000845198 386 days ago 5    0

Every pain gives a lesson, and every lesson changes a person

The pain you get while enduring for something gives you a lesson and you have to base on that lesson to be changed to a better version of yourself. The pain you go through may have been caused by people it gives a lesson to learn how to treat different people according to the way you relate with them.

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