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True saying a true leader do no supposed to die at the war front because when such happened his followers will be scattered every where.
added by 1001277811 209 days ago 2    0

When a leader dies everything dies is a very true argument because this has been observed in some homes where upon the demise of the man ,everything starts falling apart partly because may be he was the brain behind how the home is run. He was the one running the family business leaving the woman to be a house wife with no knowledge of running the family business. When tragedy strikes, such families suffer a lot. You find children dropping out of school, the home scatters, greedy in-laws grab the mans property claiming it is theirs. So in brief couples should trust each other and share family property and business secrets to avoid such occurrences.
added by Anonymous 328 days ago 4    0

Exactly it's like if ahead of the family dies when he didn't train his family members what to do.
added by Anonymous 391 days ago 7    0


As usual when a strong leader dies during a war, the followers lose hope and start scattering most of the times they lose direction. Now in this case we beg to CALM DOWN, respect each other, forgive and forget to enter in the promised land.

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Si hay un liderazgo es porque hay líderes, y si hay líderes es porque hay relevo generacional. Si el líder desaparece sus ideales, sus mensajes, su pensamiento quedará y lo implementarán sus seguidores. El líder es quien siembra, abona y cosecha buena producción.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 358 days ago 3    0