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Live comedy is better than live musicians because they creates a lot of amusement to the audience and a lots of attraction too.
added by 1001277811 200 days ago 1    0

Live comedy is so interesting in the eyes of the viewers and entertainers.
added by Anonymous 382 days ago 2    0

Live comedy is far more interesting than live music.

Live comedy is when you go into a theatre and be entertained by comedy actors like Mr. Bean, Mariach, Amooti Omubalanguzi, Madrach and Chiko to mention but a few. These actors can make you laugh- to loudest better than live musicians who always come on stage sing one word and they jump jump around, dance while naked and finally end up performing only few songs and steal our money.with comedians, they entertain you while seated in your chair watching each and everything, laughing and enjoying that particular evening in its fullest unlike live music which looks like a punishment to attendees.

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