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An adage says that it better to be late than never .This is because when someone comes late in something else, the person will latter meets up than than the person never attend at all.
added by 1001277811 205 days ago 1    0

All members entered in yem.they read it before and realized how important is to be a member
added by Anonymous 382 days ago 2    0

Yes, many new comers are now talking big after acquiring yem from desperate old yem holders who thought that the system had delayed and they sold off much of their yem. Lets pray that the system becomes fully operational soon to avoid members future yem losses to new commers.
added by Anonymous 391 days ago 5    0

Better late than never. Soon its becoming true.

There is a saying that better late than never. This saying fits to people who joined Unicorn lately. Many old Unicorn members have sold up their Yem to new comers. This means that new ones nowdays hold more Yem than old members. Lets hope that they hold many tokens than YEM.

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Surely, these guys have sold off. This is because they have gotten tired of the ever changing story of the foundation whose goal post has been shifted always after a particular set goal. I heard of the buyback and it didn't come to pass, these guys had only one option, to sell off coz of this shifting of the timeframe where deadlines are not effected. Imagine being told that you can present 0.1 YEM for buyback and instead of getting it, you learn that program has been canceled...this is really very disappointing to anyone. I suggest YEM foundation keeps quiet until it is ready rather than giving holders false hopes.
added by 1001218297 390 days ago 4    0