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It is a true saying you can't return tomorrow back .Meanwhile going back to the past is of no need.
added by 1001277811 199 days ago 2    0

The past can't be changed but when you realize that you did wrong or failed to do something in the past take that time you are in to solve the past
added by Anonymous 334 days ago 4    0

Je suis pour qu'on ne peut pas changer le passé, mais nous pouvons nous en servir pour mieux avancer dans l'avenir.
added by PINGREBE SYLVAIN NYAMPA 337 days ago 4    0

Ciertamente no puedes cambiarlo, pero APRENDE de la experiencia que el nos deja, día a día. El pasado es una gran enciclopedia en donde podemos consultar y obtener respuestas para construir un gran futuro, para escribir el devenir.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 350 days ago 3    0

Because it will ruin your future. You have to correct from where you are
added by Anonymous 388 days ago 3    0

You can't change your past start from where you are and change the ending.
added by Anonymous 388 days ago 3    0

Don't focus on the past because you can't change it.

Stop focusing on your past because you can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.

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