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A patient dog they said eats the fattest bone .Let have hope that yem is going to surprise everyone of us in the future.
added by 1001277811 196 days ago 2    0

Very true everything that happens on this earth happens at the time God chooses so the time has happen in our generation were lucky and we have to wait untill the real time of yem to yield for those who sow in it. Its just a matter of time to get rich completely and also. Let us pray for the gift of life to live longer.
added by 1001098163 317 days ago 3    0

As it stated in the proverb, Patience it pays we should wait until our bosses clears the yem buy back program well to start distributing for us some money

added by 1000984647 389 days ago 3    0

Even our death has been planned by God. We don't need to doubt upon thé way events take place in our lives.
added by Anonymous 395 days ago 3    1

Nothing Can happen without a cause.That IS to say everything has been planner.

added by Anonymous 395 days ago 2    0

It is true and confirmed that everything happens with a Real cause.any effect has a cause.
added by Anonymous 395 days ago 3    0


Before we judge the stuation we had never been in, it should be in mind that everything happens with a reason behind. And we have to find out the cause of that happening. So Dear ones waiting for YEM buyback program, please CALM DOWN and wait it's real time is coming soon. Stay blessed.

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