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Since I'm new here, I'm looking forward to the updates & also learn more about safezone
added by Anonymous 243 days ago 1    0

I am expecting to hear the future of safezone. Meanwhile everyone of us should not lose hope.
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 3    0

okay lets wait for the good news, am losing my patient guys
added by Anonymous 428 days ago 4    0

Okay okay let's be ready and alert for important updates.
added by Anonymous 512 days ago 7    0

By the way, when is the webinar anyway ? I am of the suggestion that for the first time YEM foundation should come up with a clear strategy on what is next especially on those YEM holders who have been waiting all these years and give them a buyback on the YEM the hold, so many have invested all their monies in this project but keep getting promises that never come to maturity. Let YEM foundation be clear on the way forward once and for all.
added by 1001218297 514 days ago 6    0

Finally the webinar is just here for our uptake today. We await impatiently for the great new updates.
added by Anonymous 514 days ago 5    0

Afew hours remaining to webinar

We are all waiting for the updates tonight from the safe zone board
Which exciting news do you expect tonight

How do you vote?

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We are all waiting for the YEM Foundation Webinar to have some good news about the buyback program. But fellow holders, we should not put their our hearts to avoid being dissapointed again. Lets be patient for that particular time when our Yem will be exchanged with assets and Services as the yem foundation main goal. But buyback program, will come as a miracle.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 4    0