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Different people all over the world have given different view about human being coming from one place and the others. This even leads to some people saying that there is no existence of God the supreme being.Those people are referred to as etheist believing in the existence of no God the supreme being or Creator.
added by 1001277811 295 days ago 3    0

The question that says that do aliens actually exist pose a lot of thoughts, imaginations and theories today. When you read in the news, research papers, journal and aerospace science, you see varied versions of people who have come face to face with this mystic beings. Some pilots claim to have met severe resistance from aliens while in Iranian space. Iranian military claimed in early this year that their radars had spotted an enemy object in their space and sent their best pilot to scare the intruder and found that his aerial vehicle was like a saucer round in nature, when he gave a warning signal, his plane was hit with a high intensity of electromagnetic radiation and the systems of his plane became paralysed but stabilized after the alien vehicle left his presence. Their vehicles are said to be very fast and are found around 80000_100000 feet above sea level. It is said these alien are green in color, have a big head with big eyes. They love eating flesh and drinking blood. They
added by Anonymous 416 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast thing, with so many galaxies, planets,
added by 1001271327 425 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

added by 1001271327 425 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

added by 1001271327 425 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

added by 1001271327 425 days ago 3    0

Mathemetics subject is done more so by people who think alot .Is this the teason as to why it is done by
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast thing, with so many galaxies, planets
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 2    1

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast thing, with so many galaxies, planets, stars, and so much that we have no idea about. To me, it seems
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast thing, with so many galaxies, planets
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast
added by 1001271327 426 days ago 3    0

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

added by 1001271327 426 days ago 2    1

Lets not think of aliens as only being who resemble humans. Any form of life outside earth's sphere of influence is alien. I believe that alien bacteria, frogs, mosses, crustacea etc., exist.
They must have developed complex body systems to be able to withstand space extremities. They have developed systems to feed, locomote etc. They surely exist. Problem is that we want to think of aliens as only humanoid beings.
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 3    0

because the alliens were also created by God therefor we all need to believe that the aliens are in existance
added by Anonymous 513 days ago 4    0

Of course this kind of life still exists just because, what we we see happening now and what used to happen long time ago shows that there must be something hidden behind all this.
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 3    0

Yes they do, the evil elites have done what ever they can to destroy the earth.
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 3    0

aliens they are in others planet in a real world i remember one day when i used drugs for removing my stress i feel aliens want to contact me my eyes tell to me they are looking me in my every steps well with this way i understand them they are super educated then human aliens are super minded and we human want to find them but they dont want to connect with us
added by Anonymous 515 days ago 4    0

Does extraterrestrial (alien) life exist in the universe?

What do you think?
Do aliens (extraterrestrials) exist in the universe?

Or do you think we are the only sentient beings in the whole universe?

The universe is such a vast thing, with so many galaxies, planets, stars, and so much that we have no idea about. To me, it seems impossible that we are alone in the universe.

There are newspaper and other historical accounts of beings coming from the sky. The ancient Egyptian culture talks about beings coming from the stars. The Hopi Indians in the USA have a creation belief that they are descendant from Star People as they call them. There are so many others like that around the world.

What about your local culture? Leave a comment about what you think, do you have a local legend or story about star people or something like that?

How do you vote?

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Les extrats terrestres existent bel et bien. Nous ne sommes pas les seuls... comme c'est bien dit. Merci KPONA
added by Anonymous 500 days ago 4    0