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Blockchain technology is a digital access that is stored in blockchain network which is the new era of money.
added by 1001277811 200 days ago 3    0

Block chain technology is a wave 3 product where by the power belongs to the users no third parties and everything done is recorded on the block chain. it is decentralized system of technology .
added by Anonymous 428 days ago 3    0

Yes in brockchaine technology are some of benefits for financial services because it is a good system in the world transformation
added by Anonymous 429 days ago 3    0

With blockchain it's boardless. Payments cross boards with easy and instantly.
added by Anonymous 432 days ago 3    0

Of course I support using blockchain technology
Because it saves people's time and easiest way of doing things that is why i say it's the way to go.
added by Anonymous 432 days ago 3    0

Blockchain is becoming more popular for security, fast transfer, tracking transection. Now day NFT and game also included in blockchain it's very important for all.
added by Bashant Thapa 432 days ago 4    0

These are some of the benefits of blockchain technology for the financial service Industry.

Blockchain simply means,: the digital information that is stored in a public database. At any time any one can access it and read it. Benefits are, with blockchain there is instant settlement.this means it reduces time spent on counting paper money. 2, there is increased transparency, 3 Reduces counter party risks, 4 there is increased financial solutions in terms of crisis. and many more others.

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