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When I feel of losing hope, the next thing I will do is to contact God in prayers for his intervention guidance and the rest of others.
added by 1001277811 198 days ago 2    0

True, sometimes we pass through hardship and think that God is not aware but let always know that HE test us when He is preparing big thing in our lives
added by Anonymous 379 days ago 2    0

Yes suat Duha confides some one to wards His Almighty Allah , therefore when in time of sorrow one deserve total submission to Allah.
added by 1000932126 436 days ago 3    0

Despair and loss of hope everyone must experience. As a devout Muslim, the Dhu-ha worship also has teachings, therefore every time we must always pray
added by Iwan Munawar 437 days ago 4    0

Hope is the last thing one should lose. When you lose hope you die

added by Anonymous 438 days ago 4    0

When you feel like losing hope look at surat Duha

Whenever we face uncertainties in life we loose hope and trust.we even reach the extent of thinking maybe Allah has forgotten about us but itc not true. whenever I feel like leaving and getting fed up I remember this surat Ad_Dhuha where he says
"Thy Guardian-Lord hath not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased.And verily the Hereafter will be better for thee than the present."
So I regain hope since this surat works like magic in making me calm.

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