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There is need for us to laugh when the situation is not going the way it supposed to be but we have to apply caution so that it will not look insane.
added by 1001277811 201 days ago 2    0

Oui le rire est une très bonne chose. Elle vous permet d'être de bonne humeur et attire la positivité. Faisons donc l'effort de rire autant que possible.
added by Anonymous 431 days ago 3    0

Yes I always laugh. Laughing controls over thinking and prevent stress. it also prevents doing bad things
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 4    0

I have laughed today and I always laugh because there is no reward in being serious or sad each and every day and this deals away with with anxiety and stress which May affect the heart.
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 4    0

Life must be balanced so that tension does not occur which results in stress. Therefore need entertainment and have fun and laugh. Frequent laughter out of place is feared to become insane
added by Iwan Munawar 440 days ago 4    0

Yes I have ,if you laugh you lease bad things that have you stress so always put on the smile.
added by Anonymous 441 days ago 4    0

Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
added by Dr Daniel Jadhav 441 days ago 5    0

Laughter makes us happy, youthful and always healthy.
added by Anonymous 441 days ago 6    0

Laughter is the best medicine, have you laughed today?

Laughter is the best medicine and our world is certainly going crazy so it is important to take time every day and laugh.

Just start laughing, you will feel better and have a brighter outlook on life. Try it and see.

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No, I have not yet laughed today because I just awakened for the day, and so there hasn't been enough time yet for something hilarious to occur. But, if I had looked into the mirror since waking up ~ which I haven't so far ~ then I might have chuckled, as sometimes occurs, when gazing upon my own goofy face. Ha!
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 5    0