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Facts fam!
added by Anonymous 147 days ago 0    0

There is a saying which says that man proposed but God disposed.It is always good to involves God in our plan.
added by 1001277811 198 days ago 1    0

Don't give up yet, do all your plans as optimally as possible, the results will be then we will leave the results to God, the Almighty Planner
added by Iwan Munawar 449 days ago 2    0

Definitely we make plans always but we don't expect GOD'S plans because GOD loves us and we all who have joined UNICORN NETWORK no one has ever thought about it but it was GOD'S mercy and plan therefore, nothing can be without GOD'S preparations. So we as humans we have to know that it's all for and from GOD. Let's join our hands and hearts though we're not in one place, let's praise him and gloryfy his name because he's good all the time. Dear members stay focused on what everyone joined for,GOD bless us all.
added by Anonymous 450 days ago 2    0

We always make plans but God has best plans above ours

We always make plans but God has best plans above ours .Do all it takes to have a bright future and leave the rest to the almighty

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Dios nos legó a su hijo Jesús, quien nos guiá al cielo a través de un gran Mandamiento, quiere al señor tú Dios con toda tú alma y, quiere a tú prójimo como a tí mismo. Usted hace esas 2 cosas y sembrará RIQUEZAS en el cielo, que al fin y al cabo son las que valen.
Lo terreno no tiene nada que ver con lo eterno.
added by Marcial Nuñez Alonzo 380 days ago 2    0