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According to holy scripture faith is the substance of things hoped for an evidence of things not seen.Meanwhile let us depends on God for the things He is about to do in safezone and its affiliate sites.
added by 1001277811 200 days ago 1    0

Faith is indeed a great weapon that all humanity
needs to overcome the challenges of the world.
added by Anonymous 452 days ago 3    0

Because God is the provider of everything to man and whoever believes in him shall have faith
added by Anonymous 452 days ago 3    0

God is everything everything can give you everything you need .
added by Anonymous 452 days ago 3    0

This year Have Faith in God always to receive his approval

There was a man who lived in this world and at the age of 65 he believed in God and started walking with God and for the next 300 years he so walked with that it was recorded in the bible he please God as a result God did not allow him to exit this world the normal way. God rewarded him by taken him away straight to HEAVEN where God stays.This man is called Enoch you can find the story on Genesis chapter 5..Oh faith in God please him .no one believes in God or his son Jesus and behaves crookedly. he fears God .loves all men and always run from sin .To go to heaven like Enoch we must all accept Jesus as Lord and saviour then continue to obey him in all that he has taught .believe all the promises of God and obey all his instruction so we can get to heaven eventually
God bless you for reading and sharing. Amen

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