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If I have huge used land it is telling that God is expecting establishment from me either to build for him an apartment or my own personal use or for any other things else.
added by 1001277811 192 days ago 3    0

It tells me to make use of it and get wealth out of it just but using it.
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 4    0

Land is of course a natural resource. Land is also one of the factors of production and its a source of wealth.
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 4    0

Yes it's important because it's source of income and food
added by Anonymous 445 days ago 4    0

What does the huge usedland tells you?

The world has amultitude of resources that aman can reach his hands on and turn them into money. These resources are tangible or intangible. Too many people who lack what to do are people who are taking land for granted. This land that God gave us is money. We can play around with it and make wealth out of it. In these days with modern farming it doesn't require us to have big land.people even dig or rear at home in tins, paper bags etc. this is alist of things land can make; (1) food , ( 2)bricks and other building materials, (3) local cookers and pots all of these are on demand and can be got from land freely. You don't need so much to start making pots or blicks out of soil. Today say to yourself abig word that am starting tomorrow to go out there and look for land to hire or rent and do something on it.

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