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The outcome of covid-19 wrecked a great havok and pandemic in most of the developing world. It is an eyes saw to the public.
added by 1001277811 197 days ago 2    0

Cette pandémie est une réalité sur le plan mondial. Mais dans les pays en développement, particulièrement en Afrique l'ampleur a été moindre que dans les pays développés.
added by Anonymous 432 days ago 2    0

Most people couldn't believe that corona was their because in some areas it was used for political desire and enrichment.
added by Anonymous 439 days ago 2    0

those who who witnessed will tell you that it was real as it affected people economically, socially and spiritually.
added by Anonymous 446 days ago 2    0

It's a true comment and we Africans normally couldn't accept that people were dieing in plenty as well as here people died but a least in numbers compared to the whites.
added by Anonymous 456 days ago 2    0

Sincerely talking was also affected by the corona virus however saying it's not real was not affected
added by Anonymous 463 days ago 2    0

If because of Covid 19 it is still considered to exist and lockdown measures are taken in each country, it will certainly affect the joints of life. And the state will be bothered by centralized finances only for handling Covid-19. Over time, of course, this will affect aspects of people's lives, especially the economy, which will be paralyzed. My opinion minus the tightening.

added by Iwan Munawar 467 days ago 4    0

Some people couldn't believe that Corona was real

In some developing countries where Corona virus wasn't so intense some people argued that there wasn't the pandemic. However, those who who witnessed will tell you that it was real as it affected people economically, socially and spiritually.
What is your take about covid 19 in developing world?

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It was real , Doctors faced hectic challenges and professor's from that sector many failed to discover the way they were supposed to manage it that's why we lost many of our loved ones .
added by Anonymous 464 days ago 2    0