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Wetlands are valuable for flood protection, water quality improvement, shoreline erosion control, natural products, recreation, and aesthetics. Also a home to some creatures.
added by Anonymous 99 days ago 1    0

If wetlands serves as a sources of raw materials which helps in settling of land dispute among people, it is a good thing.
added by 1001277811 197 days ago 3    0

They act as a mojor boundary in the country hence reducing land disputes
They are source of raw materials such as art and craft matrials hence improving art and craft industry in the country
added by 1001271327 336 days ago 3    0

They act as a mojor boundary in the country hence reducing land disputes
They are source of raw materials such as art and craft matrials hence improving art and craft industry in the country

added by 1001271327 336 days ago 3    0

Wetlands are good for our people through cleaning water we use, wetlands are a source of fish used for food, they are a source of herbs for medicine and vegetables for human consumption. The papyrus vegetation is used for making mats and other artefacts. They can be used as picnic sites for parties. They are habitats for fauna and flora.
added by Anonymous 341 days ago 3    0

They are a home for fish
added by Anonymous 350 days ago 3    0

Wetlands are very important to the nation. However, there are some people who are using it as a tool to fight others in the name of grabbing land from them claiming that the land belongs to the government.
added by Anonymous 455 days ago 3    0

Wetlands contribute alot to rainfall formation awhich cools the earth.
added by Anonymous 477 days ago 3    0

The wetlands majorly purify the drainage system of the cities and towns they surround.
added by Anonymous 478 days ago 3    0

Wetlands are very important to the nation. However, there are some people who are using it as a tool to fight others in the name of grabbing land from them claiming that the land belongs to the government.
It has created a lot of conflicts amongst the people who own land near wetlands and others who don't have it.
added by 1001242910 478 days ago 3    0

Impotances of wetlands to people in the country

They act as a mojor boundary in the country hence reducing land disputes
They are source of raw materials such as art and craft matrials hence improving art and craft industry in the country

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