This war in Ulraine is very devastating, specially for normal citizens, because the critical infrastructure is being destroyed and people need warm houses, electricity and water.
How do you vote?
Not all European countries knows the real agenda of that war apart from US and UK though other countries due to being in Nato that's why they were forced to support other counties agendas and not every country supports US and UK agendas.
added by Anonymous 668 days ago
Because when the European countries send the material of war , the war can not finished
added by Anonymous 678 days ago
Ukraine needs to get rid of their corruption or otherwise any help given will just get sucked up by corrupt politiicians and others ... like the whole FTX scandal and the people of Ukraine will get nothing.
added by Anonymous 725 days ago
War is not a good thing.There is nothing best like someone living in harmony with each other without crisis.
added by 1001277811 418 days ago 4 0
Should all countries in Europe help Ukraine during this winter ?
added by Anonymous 678 days ago 4 0
Yes. True because the entire population is dying of nothing hwnce a need to help the people
added by Anonymous 678 days ago 4 0
I see it better if all possible effort was put to help Ucrain to save the people there.
added by Anonymous 714 days ago 4 0