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Someone is liable to suffer leg cramp as soon as the person lacks electrolyte, this is because the person has lack potassium in his or her body system which is the deficiency syndrome of electrolyte and as a result of this leg cramp can occur.
added by 1001277811 185 days ago 2    0

I have also seen that help with electrolyte drinks, I use a product called MagSooth from Jigsaw Health in the evenings that provides both magnesium and potassium and it works awesome. It is really important to have both magnesium and potassium in your diet to help many things in your body.
added by Anonymous 494 days ago 3    0

Do electrolytes help you avoid leg cramps?

I suffered for months with leg cramps, Until I discovered I was low on electrolytes. Potassium was my biggest deficiency because our bodies need so much of it. but it takes all electrolytes to run your electrical system. I found a solution with an electrolyte power containing all of the electrolytes and my cramps have gone away. Is this information useful?

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