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For sure God of heaven is the only true God that answers prayer.When prayers are delayed to be answered wait for it.
added by 1001277811 185 days ago 1    0

Mi Dios, ha respondido muchas de mis oraciones, soy testigo en momentos de necesidad, en mi angustia he clamado y he recibido respuesta en el el momento oportuno, me ha sanado cuando he estado enfermo, estoy feliz de tenerle y haberle conocido fue mi mejor elección y haberle conocido es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida
added by Anonymous 417 days ago 2    0

God answers prayers even though it takes longer than expected he will one day answer that prayer. No one will ever kneel down to God and left into shame . In other word if you believe in God your prayers are always answered
added by Anonymous 491 days ago 2    0

The soul that doesn't pray or make intercession will always believe that there is no answer, your communication with God is through prayer and prayer alone, God answer prayers in the morning and evening, night and day so pray without ceasing.
added by 1000944275 494 days ago 2    0

God answers our questions because is the one who has full control on us even though Satan fights but he will never win God .
added by Anonymous 496 days ago 2    0

Do you believe God is the answering God or Not?

Our God is a God who ansera prayers.
Sometimes it appears to be as if He is not listening to you, but when you wait patiently, then you can witness it as He answers prayers.
Never cease to pray and fast

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