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Children learns fast than adult because their memory is liable for quick understanding comparing to the memory of the adult.
added by 1001277811 176 days ago 1    0

Children brains are more flexible for learning,they give in alot of time,don't fear to make mistakes and being laughed at,and over think things compared to adults.
added by Anonymous 497 days ago 2    0

It is normal children should learn more than adultes because their mémoires are still fresh. They need to learn much more.
added by Anonymous 501 days ago 2    0

Children learning faster than for adults

In my own knowledge, children have to learn faster than adults simply because they are still being introduced to the universe. So every memory is fresh and new and received with interest. This sometimes lacks among the adults as they are already stressed by what they have been exposed to in their daily life which in turn affects their concentration as well as learning time and comprehension of topics.


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