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There is need for someone to struggle to survive financially by venturing into many business but on the process of doing so do not kill.
added by 1001277811 182 days ago 1    0

Most especially the people who don't want to sweat buh instead want quick money thrgh sacrificing their fellow humans and practicing robbery!it's better u work on your minds and harder with your hands until God blesses the work of your hands.
added by Anonymous 503 days ago 1    0

It's good to seek and attain wealth but don't harm others in doing so.

It is better to get richer more than others. To accumulate more than others have.
But you make sure that in that process you don't harm or hurt others because you will be like sowing seeds that you will reap in your old age.
Possess anything you want but don't let someone's blood or tears to be on it.
For you will pay in this life and the life to come.

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