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This is an educative information. It is better that the pregnant women should take precautions now before it is too late.
added by 1001277811 174 days ago 2    0

Exactly drinking when you are pregnant change the brain of his baby because alcohol is very bad of the Baby
added by Anonymous 431 days ago 2    1

Yes, in drinking Juice like ginger Juice, lemon Juice, mango Juice, orange Juice, but not alchool. Alchool is not permit by God for our generation. In our génération, drinking alchool is a synonyme of sin.
We're crossing the time of laodicea during that we're face Elija's spirit,

added by Anonymous 491 days ago 2    1

Drinking during pregnancy may affect the baby. This may affect its birth. Its Braun may also be affectés.
added by Anonymous 499 days ago 2    0

Drinking during pregnancy changes baby's brain structure

A new MRI study revealed that consumption of alcohol even in low to moderate amounts during pregnancy can change the baby's brain structure and delay brain development.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can expose the fetus to a group of conditions called fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Babies born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders could develop learning disabilities, behavioral problems or speech and language delays
"We found the greatest changes in the temporal brain region and STS," Dr. Kasprian said. "We know that this region, and specifically the formation of the STS, has a great influence on language development during childhood."
"Pregnant women should strictly avoid alcohol consumption," Dr. Kienast said. "As we show in our study, even low levels of alcohol consumption can lead to structural changes in brain development and delayed brain maturation."
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