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It is a good thing for someone to buld assets within the period of time in his life. Assests is more valuable than liquidity.
added by 1001277811 170 days ago 1    0

Retirement saving should start at the very beginning of employment. After getting enough money to live off, you can choose to work on projects that cause your heart to tick
added by Anonymous 444 days ago 2    0

Making something for retirement is good for me and you we have to make our retirement before we get tired like making insurance for medical workers, school and many more.
added by JOSEPH KULE 528 days ago 3    0

Are you Building your Assets for your Retirement?

What's the best time to become a retiree?
Are you looking forward for the day, that all you have to do is just relax n' relax ... no more 7-5 office jobs , no work from home jobs , no deadlines to bit , etc.
How are preparing for your retirement period? Do you have additional passive income aside from your monthly social security pensions?
Do you have a good medical insurance coverage?
Are you planning to become a full time traveller? or pursuing some your hobbies with your fellow retirees ?
Anyway, we can have a retirement anytime we decide to do it, as long that we have enough financial , physical , emotional , mental capabilities to say these words " NOW I am a Happy Retiree".

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