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We human being have failed God. Even God regretted why he created man because of man's disobedience to his principle and rules.
added by 1001277811 172 days ago 1    0

We are all different and considered to be special according to others. Being that we do not think in the same way, we do things in different ways consider us to be special. This also makes us vary in thinking. We will never, think in the same way and this also creates specianess.
added by 1001242910 546 days ago 1    0

Sure! You are quite right. We have gone astray. We were diverted from the right direction by none other than Satan the devil. But fortunately there is the way back.
added by Anonymous 551 days ago 1    0

Could it be realised that we live to human specialness!!

special we are but we have not lived to this expectation of the creator. we have abused our specialness if anything because we have become enemies of those items put under our care, we have left our responsibilities top the creator, we have left our tasks into wrong hands, we have failed t6o learn so that we live to our purpose that has been given to us and so much more which has failed us to deliver as special beings.

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